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Microsoft最近发布了针对HoloLens的新的Insider Preview版本,其中包含一些新功能和改进。借助此新的Insider Preview版本,新的基于Chromium的Microsoft Edge Web浏览器首次向HoloLens 2客户可用。在此版本中,Microsoft还发布了新版本的“设置”应用程序,其中包括以下领域的HoloLens 2新功能和扩展设置:声音,电源和睡眠,网络和Internet,应用程序,帐户,轻松访问等。
Some customers find it faster to “type” on virtual keyboards by swiping the shape of the word they intend to type, and we’re previewing this feature for the holographic keyboard. You can swipe one word at a time by passing the tip of your finger through the plane of the holographic keyboard, swiping the shape of the word, and then withdrawing the tip of your finger from the plane of the keyboard. You can swipe follow-up words without needing to press the spacebar by removing your finger from the keyboard between words. You will know the feature is working if you see a swipe trail following your finger’s movement on the keyboard.
You can find the full change log below.
Feature Name | Short description | Available in build |
New Microsoft Edge | The new, Chromium-based Microsoft Edge is now available for HoloLens 2 | 20279.1006 |
New Settings app | 旧版“设置”应用将替换为具有新功能和设置的更新版本 | 20279.1006 |
默认应用选择器 | 选择应为每个文件或链接类型启动哪个应用 | 20279.1006 |
Office Web应用 | 现在,“所有应用程序”中列出了Office Web应用程序的快捷方式 | 20279.1006 |
滑动即可输入 | 用指尖“滑动”全息键盘上的单词 | 20279.1006 |
USB-C外接麦克风支持 | 将USB-C麦克风用于应用程序和/或远程协助。 | 20279.1006 |
信息亭模式下用于新应用的新AUMID | 新设置和Edge应用程序的AUMID | 20279.1006 |
改进的Kiosk模式故障处理 | 信息亭模式会在空的开始菜单之前查找“全局分配的访问权限”。 | 20279.1006 |
配置后备诊断 | 在“设置”应用中设置后备诊断行为 | 20279.1006 |