
FakePCIID.kext是黑苹果必备的一个驱动文件,由于macOS系统会对PCI device-id进行验证,导致黑苹果的硬件不能通过这一验证,所以需要就需要这个PCIID文件。


The purpose of this kext is to attach to any IOPCIDevice so it can provide alternate PCI ID when another driver attached to the same device requests them. This technique can be used instead of patching binaries that may check for supported device-ids (or other PCI IDs) in their IOService::probe or IOService::start method.

In order to attach FakePCIID to a given IOPCIDevice, an injector kext must be built that IOKit can use to match against. The FakePCIID.kext Info.plist has no built-in IOKitPersonalities, as it is generic and not built to suit a specific purpose. The distribution ZIP provide has four such injector kexts, which are described below. Custom injector kexts can be created for other devices.

Note: FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext works for HD4400 mobile, HD4600 mobile, HD4200 mobile, and HD4600 desktop.

In any case, a DSDT patch, FakeID configuration (Clover), or FakeProperties dictionary in the injector’s Info.plist will be required to inject the properties that FakePCIID can read on the IOPCIDevice. The properties used by FakePCIID are described later in this post. The properties must be present on the PCIDevice that is being hooked (the direct parent of FakePCIID).


Downloads are available on Bitbucket:



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